News and Agenda
- Guest Researcher: Hu Hanhan 31/12/2022
- Vacancy: 3 PhD positions 06/09/2022
- Call for papers: The Cultural Dimensions of Dutch Overseas Expansion (Jaarboek Zeventiende Eeuw) 20/12/2021
- New book: The Chinese Imprint 20/12/2021
- Public lecture: Chinese visitors to the Netherlands and their Cultural Representation 03/12/2021
- Conference The Cultural Dimension of Dutch Overseas Expansion (online) 08/07/2021
- Review essay on Rembrandt and India (by Thijs Weststeijn) 25/06/2021
- Trude Dijkstra has been awarded the Niels Stensen Fellowship 16/11/2020
- Publication “Foreign Devils and Philosophers” 13/03/2020
- 8th Seminar in Global Art History and Heritage: Berber Meindertsma 11/10/2019